س 2. هل هناك احتمال للإصابة بحروق عند استعمال لومينل-Y؟
أ .2. تبلغ درجة حرارة التسخين القصوى لـ…
أ .2. تبلغ درجة حرارة التسخين القصوى لـ…
A.2. Luminiel-Y’s maximum heating temperature is approximately 32 degrees (based on 24 degrees of room temperature). You can rest assured that it is a product that has obtained KC certification and has zero risk of burns.
أ1. وفقًا لنتائج اختبار شهادة لومينل-Y،…
A.1. According to the results of the Luminiel-Y certification test, conducted by an international certification testing agency, the putrid fishy odour was reduced by 89.9% and Ammonia Inhibition Rate was found to be 78.6% less after Irradiating with Luminiel-Y for…